WOW!!! BRAND NEW!! EVH "5150" Stealth Guitar with *Striped Case!!
*This price is for the EVH 5150 Stealth Guitar itself.
However you can also have the brand new EVH Case.
The guitar can be purchased solely by itself, or if you are so inclined to also purchase the case (at a great price) that can also be done.
In the event you would like the case to be included then the price would be: EVH Case $1089.
This particular EVH Stealth Guitar 5150 is the ONE.
It seems to be the "sweet build" of the day - you guitar players know exactly what we mean! Action, bridge, neck - it just "hit and scored" at all the right places, e.
, balanced string alignment, straight level neck, straight level bridge, low action, etc.
- like hitting the lottery on this one.
What sets the 5150 apart from the same guitars and color can ONLY be the precision of the build (they're all the same color).
The build; in my opinion this guitar is the ONE, if you are so inclined to have a "players" guitar.
This is a fantastic price - compare SW, GC, MF, etc.
Includes the manual, wrench, bar (case key if you choose the case as well.